(ECNS) – Young Chinese parents are asking their relatives and friends in Japan to buy formula for them once again, after Japanese milk-powder producer Meiji last month announced that it would pull out of China, the Japan-based Chinese Review Weekly reports.
Chen Lijiang, 35, lives in Japan and has received numerous requests from friends in China to purchase baby formula. But he says the commission he earns from each purchase doesn't justify the extensive time and energy it requires.
Chinese are also eager to purchase paper diapers from Japan. Liang Xiurong has bought 16 bags of diapers for her friends at home in China. The diapers cost 10,300 yen (US$105.06) on freight, but the overall cost is still much cheaper than in China.
Liang said she plans to expand her business and make more money through overseas purchasing.
Moreover, the frequent smoggy weather in northern China has inspired overseas Chinese to buy respiratory masks from Japan. N95 particulate respirators have been the most popular.
Unlike formula and paper diapers, masks haven't been limited for purchase in Japan yet.
N95 is a rating of inhalable particles set out by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
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