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New gas leak at site of Taiwan explosion  

高雄气爆区再有气体外泄 现场已封锁

2014-08-08 16:08 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Gu Liping
Staff at the site had cordoned off the area due to a gas leak. [Photo: a news agency of Taiwan]

Staff at the site had cordoned off the area due to a gas leak. [Photo: a news agency of Taiwan]

(ECNS) -- A gas leak was reported Friday morning at the same site of the fatal gas explosions that occurred last Thursday in Taiwan's Kaohsiung City.

Local media said staff at the site had put on masks and cordoned off the area due to an odd smell, and that reporters had also been asked to evacuate.

An inspection showed that there were at least four types of gas leaking, including propene, ethene, propane and ethane. What's more, the mixed gas had a low flash point, with the intensity getting higher.

An investigation is underway.

The underground gas explosions that hit the area at about midnight on Thursdad left 30 people dead and 310 injured.

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