Design rendering of Xiamen University's new campus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo: Baidu)
(ECNS) – Construction of a new campus of Xiamen University kicked off in Malaysia on October 17. It's the first time for a Chinese university to go overseas.
The campus, covering 470,000 square meters, is located 45 kilometers southwest of Kuala Lumpur.
The first phase of construction is scheduled to be finished in 2015. The university will enroll its first class of 500 students in fall of 2015. In phase one, it will offer majors including Chinese language and culture, oceanic and environmental studies, business and computer science.
More auditoriums, student centers, gymnasiums and student apartments will be built in the second phase of construction, and more majors will be added.
The university will enroll undergraduates, graduates and PhD students mostly from Malaysia and other Southeastern Asia countries with professors hired on a global basis.