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'Magical gloves' let you create your own music   

大学生发明魔音手套 戴上可在桌上奏乐

一副再普通不过的手套,戴上后却能控制音乐——厦大嘉庚学院大二学生高友炎和小伙伴们就发明了一个可以演奏出音乐的魔音手套,它获得第三届“三元达杯”大学生创新大赛最佳创意奖。 [查看全文]
2015-01-06 14:06 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Mo Hong'e
A player shows magical gloves that allow users to create music by moving fingers on a table. (Photo: www.taihainet.com)

A player shows "magical gloves" that allow users to create music by moving fingers on a table. (Photo: www.taihainet.com)

(ECNS) - A sophomore at Xiamen University named Gao Youyan and his team have created "magical gloves" that allow users to create music without shelling out for expensive instruments.

Once users download and install the app on their Android smartphones, they can put on the gloves and control the app by moving their fingers on a table, a wall, or even on their own thighs, the Xiamen Daily reported Tuesday.

Users can imitate the sound of piano, organ, violin, guitar, flute and drums through the system, which Gao calls "Children Music Gloves."

He said musical instruments are too expensive for most children, and that he wanted to help.

Priced at around 200 yuan ($32), the gloves won the innovation award at a university student contest.

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