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First private company allowed to fuel aviation industry   

中国首家民营航空燃料企业获适航许可 助力通航

中国民航局副局长李健20日向山东华亚国联航空燃料有限公司颁发适航许可证,这标志着我国首家民营航空燃料企业获准生产适合通用航空的国际标准航空汽油。 [查看全文]
2015-03-23 16:58 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Mo Hong'e

(ECNS) -- A private aircraft fuel company, based in east China's Shandong province, has became the first to receive a license from the country's aviation regulator to produce gasoline for general aviation, huanqiu.com reported on Monday.

Li Jian, deputy director of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), handed the permit to Huaya Guolian Airlines Fuel Co. Ltd. last Friday, making it the first such company entitled to operate in China.

The number of general aviation aircraft in the country has risen to 1,654 in 2013 from 566 in 2004 while it is estimated that the number of GA craft in operation would exceed 5,000 by 2020.

Industries related to GA fuel are expected to be new growth points for China's economy.

Before, only Lanzhou Oil Refinery, a subsidiary under PetroChina Company Limited, was allowed to produce and supply gasoline to GA aircraft, barely meeting the increasing demand.

Huaya Guolian, established in Dongying city in 2014, has a registered capital of 10 million yuan ($1.6 million).

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