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Art ain’t what it used to be(2)

2012-02-29 13:44 Global Times     Web Editor: Xu Rui comment
Cai Zhisong's Motherland - Wind No.1. [Photos: Courtesy of How Art Museum]

Cai Zhisong's Motherland - Wind No.1. [Photos: Courtesy of How Art Museum]

New mediums

Shanghai-born, New York-based contemporary artist Gu Wenda uses human hair in his installation Metamorphosis Series (2007). The avant-garde painter is known for his use of unusual materials in his works. In Metamorphosis Series, hair is weaved into words in different languages including English, Hindi and Arabic. The works are hung particularly high so that viewers can read these words.

Zhang Huan, who has just held a solo exhibition, Q Confucius, at the Rockbund Art Museum, continues his fascination with the Chinese sage in The Analects of Confucius No.2 (2011). The work consists of incense ashes attached to a canvas, which is colored in blacks, whites and greys.

Cai Zhisong's sculptures bring alive the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC) for viewers. His cast bronze Motherland - Wind No.1 (2001) displays a nodding ancient Chinese man. Along with two terracotta-like head busts Warrior No.7 and Servant No.3, Cai reveals aspects of a former Chinese civilization.

"The exhibition aims to trace the origin of the aesthetics in Chinese contemporary art, as well as to display the current condition of contemporary artworks created by Chinese artists," said Li Xu, curator of the exhibition.

Date: Until March 4, 9 am to 5 pm

Venue: Shanghai Art Museum


Address: 325 Nanjing Road West


Admission: Free

Call 6327-2829 for details

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