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Tourism, sovereignty claims main reasons for Xisha development(2)

2012-04-10 11:05 Global Times     Web Editor: Su Jie comment
Xisha Islands

Xisha Islands

Yexiang Princess

Yexiang Princess

Environment concerns

The highest pollution factors for the local environment are the solid waste brought by visitors, and the infrastructure construction that would damage the ecology, Zhao Zhangyuan told the Global Times.

"Considering the fragile local ecological conditions, a shortage of fresh water and the rough infrastructure on the Xisha Islands, it is not fit for large-scale development," Zhao said, adding that "development should be limited."

"It might be a nightmare for the Xisha Islands, if excessive development happens there," online comments echoed. "The protection of the local environment should be of the utmost priority."

The number of visitors to land on the islands could be controlled, visitors could mainly stay on the ships during the journey and a system should be put in place to deal with garbage, said Sun Lichan from the marketing department of Hua Yuan International Travel, the Beijing News reported.

A market-oriented operation could be invited in to avoid the excessive development that marred Beidaihe, Hebei Province and Hainan Island in the past, Sun said.

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