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An opera never fades(2)

2012-12-31 15:14 CNTV     Web Editor: yaolan comment

Guzi has a large number of audiences in the rural areas where entertainment programs are not rich or varied.

"During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), the whole family sat together in the yard and sang Guzi almost every night to forget hunger and fear," said Wei Shifa, inheritor of Lanzhou Guzi at a national level.

Influenced by their father and grandfather, Wei and his five brothers all like Guzi. He deeply loves the art and takes it as part of his life. In order to sing accurately and emotionally, he practices the tune of each character hundreds of times.

After starting performing in his twenties, Wei achieved great success and named as an inheritor of Lanzhou Guzi at national level in 2009.

Though it once enjoyed massive popularity in Lanzhou, Guzi never goes outside Lanzhou and has very few professional performers. "Now only about 300 people can sing Guzi and the average age is 65," Wei said, expressing his worry.

As pop music sweeps the world, "fewer people like��traditional opera and many young people even never heard of Guzi. Besides, the Lanzhou Guzi Protection Base receives only a 5,000 yuan fund annually, very far from the basic need to develop Guzi," said Wei.

He continued that members of the protection base even have to collect money by themselves to buy a new radio or repair the instruments. They have no chance to perform outside Lanzhou due to lack of money.

Wei himself has cultivated three apprentices and all of them can perform on the stage now.

However, to boost the cultural heritage and absorb more young people to know, love and learn Guzi, Wei hoped that the government can give more financial support. Thus, they could hold classes for Guzi lovers and especially cultivate young talent.

"One hundred students are enough. Because they can influence many other people who can also introduce Guzi to more people and even foreigners", said Wei.

Chen Zengsan, inheritor of Lanzhou Guzi at the provincial level and a professional sanxian player, expressed his opinion on protecting Guzi.

"Few people listen to and learn Guzi because it's too long and too difficult", explained Chen, "so I rearrange the too long prelude and add some gestures and tools for the performance. Costumes and make-up should also be improved."

On the dark stage at the protection base, Chen Zengsan and his fellow partners performed a piece of Guzi called "Interlocking Stratagems". All the performers were in their 60s. Their voices float from the stage and never fade.

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