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PLA Air Force commander talks with Italian counterpart

2012-05-17 14:15 China Military Online    comment

Xu Qiliang, member of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People's Republic of China and commander of the Air Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), held talks with Giuseppe Bernardis, the visiting chief of staff of the Italian Air Force, on the afternoon of May 15, 2012 at the Air Force Headquarters.

Xu Qiliang said that China-Italy relations have developed well since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. China and Italy are strategic partners and have good and stable political relations, great economic complementarity and a solid basis for cooperation. Italy is a country with significant influence in European and international affairs and China and Italy enjoy broad prospects for development.

The relations between the two militaries are satisfactory as evidenced by remarkable achievements of frequent contacts among high-ranking officers of the two air forces and frequent exchanges among professional technical personnel. The friendly and cooperative relations have been increasingly deepened. He hoped the two air forces could seek deeper cooperation in pragmatic professional and technical fields.

Bernardis expressed that the Italian side attaches importance to the relations between the two countries and the two militaries, and is willing to continue to maintain and strengthen the mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation between the two air forces and expand exchanges in professional technical fields so as to constantly push forward the friendly and cooperative relations between the two air forces.

Before the talks, Xu Qiliang held a welcome ceremony for Bernardis.

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