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Liang Guanglie holds talks with CAR defense minister

2012-06-07 10:10    comment

Liang Guanglie, state councilor and minister of national defense of the People's Republic of China, held talks with Jean-Francis Bozize, the visiting defense minister of the Central African Republic (CAR), in Beijing on the afternoon of June 5, 2012.

Liang Guanglie said that the friendship between the peoples of China and Central Africa has a time-honored history. In recent years, the relations between the two countries have been maintaining a good momentum of development as evidenced by constant contacts among high-ranking officials of the two countries, increasingly enhanced mutual political trust, rapid development of economic and trade cooperation and remarkable achievements from cooperation in various fields.

Strengthening the friendly cooperation between China and Central Africa is in keeping with the common aspirations of the two peoples and serves the fundamental interests of them. The Chinese side is grateful to the Central African side for its adherence to the one-China policy and its firm support to the Chinese side on issues concerning China's core and vital interests.

Liang Guanglie said that the Chinese military attaches importance to its relations with the Central African military. He hoped that the two sides would continue to maintain personnel exchanges and deepen pragmatic cooperation. The Chinese side is willing to make joint efforts with the Central African side to promote the relations between the two militaries to a new high.

Bozize expressed that the Central African people regard the Chinese people as good friends and appreciate the great achievements that China has made since the reform and opening-up. The Central Africa attaches great importance to its cooperation with China and expresses its willingness to work together with the Chinese side to constantly deepen the relations between the two militaries.

Bozize arrived in Beijing on June 4 to start a seven-day-long official visit to China at the invitation of Liang Guanglie.

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