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Myanmar gov't, KIO resume peace talks in China's Ruili

2013-02-05 08:39 Xinhua     Web Editor: Liu Xian comment

Representatives of the central peace making group of the Myanmar government and the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) resumed peace talks on Monday in Ruili, China's border town opposite to Myanmar's Muse, according to a five-point joint statement of the two sides aired by the state radio.

The government side was led by Vice Chairman of the central peace making work committee and Minister U Aung Min, while the KIO was headed by U Sun Lut Gan.

Kayin National Union Chairman General Saw Mutu Sae Po and representative of the Restoration Council of Shan State Army as well as Ambassador Luo Zhaohui from the Chinese Ministry were present as witnesses.

The talks raised issues of setting up of liaison channel, reduction of tension and invitation of observers and witnesses to attend the next talks which will be coordinated with the Union National Federal Council (UNFC) to start political dialogue before the end of February.

The UNFC is an alliance of ethnic nationalities in Myanmar.

The Myanmar government announced unilateral ceasefire with the KIA, the army of KIO, on Jan. 18 to prepare for a political dialogue, saying that the government troops will stop military offensive against the area of Lajayan starting Jan. 19.

Since June 2011, the government forces and the KIA had been continuously fighting until the resumption of the peace talks.

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