Friday May 25, 2018

Constructive U.S. role in Asia welcome, but not warmongering

2012-01-06 15:42 Xinhua     Web Editor: Li Jing comment

U.S. President Barack Obama rolled out a new defense strategy Thursday that will shift the country's military focus to the Asia-Pacific region, and cut 489 billion U.S. dollars in defense spending in the next decade.

With the strategy sure to considerably reshape the U.S. defense structure, the United States is welcome to make more contribution to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, but its possible militarism will cause a lot of ill will and meet with strong opposition in the world's most dynamic region.

Legitimate interests of the United States, the world's biggest power, in the Asia-Pacific region are generally respected by other countries.

The U.S. role, if fulfilled with a positive attitude and free from a Cold War-style zero-sum mentality, will not only be conducive to regional stability and prosperity, but be good for China, which needs a peaceful environment to continue its economic development.

However, while boosting its military presence in the Asia-Pacific, the United States should abstain from flexing its muscles, as this won't help solve regional disputes.

If the United States indiscreetly applies militarism in the region, it will be like a bull in a china shop, and endanger peace instead of enhancing regional stability.

Despite its latest defense budget cuts, the Pentagon still spends over 600 billion dollars annually for baseline budget and war-fighting tasks, and the U.S. defense budget continues to be larger than those of the next 10 countries combined.

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