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China supports extension of UN mission in Afghanistan

2012-03-21 09:16 Xinhua     Web Editor: Xu Aqing comment

China supports the recommendation of the UN secretary-general on extending the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan ( UNAMA) for another year and calls for more attentation to the economic reconstruction in Afghanistan, Chinese UN ambassador Li Baodong said here Tuesday.

Li told a Security Council open debate on UNAMA that peace- building in Afghanistan is at a crucial juncture.

As the country enters its transformational decade from 2015, the Afghan government and people are facing a peaceful reconstruction, he said.

China welcomes the positive work done by the Afghan government for national reconstruction, and supports Afghanistan in strengthening efforts in political, rule of law, security and development fields, promoting national reconciliation and Kabul process, and implementing the peace and reintegration program, the ambassador said.

"We support Afghan national institutions in comprehensively assuming responsibilities in various fields, especially in gradually taking over the onerous task of maintaining national security," he said.

He said China hopes that the international community would fully respect the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country, adhere to the principle of Afghan leadership and ownership, develop in-depth partnership with Afghanistan and provide constructive help for its national reconciliation and reconstruction.

On the troops withdrawal from Afghanistan, Li said China hopes parties concerned would take into full account the situation on the ground and implement the plan in an appropriate and responsible manner while ensuring the security and stability of Afghanistan and help it in furthering its security capacity- building.

"We call on the international community to give greater attention to economic reconstruction in Afghanistan, effectively honor the relevant commitments and increase assistance according to national priority programs formulated by Afghanistan so as promote the sustainable development of the country with a view to solving the root causes of the turbulence in Afghanistan," he added.

He also expressed China's concern over recent incidents such as the burning of the Koran and shooting of civilians, calling for a proper solution.

"China appreciates the active efforts of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan to push through the Afghan peace and reconstruction process," Li said, adding that China supports the United Nations in its continued leading role in coordinating aid to support the Afghan peace and reconstruction.

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