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Australian experts cautiously optimistic over Xi-Obama summit(2)

2013-06-08 10:56 Xinhua     Web Editor: Mo Hong'e comment

While much has been said of the summit's informality as an opportunity to build a personal rapport, one of Australia's most respected experts on global security say the systems and institutions already in place as well as the demands of national interest - will dictate the relationship's evolution.

Alan Dupont, a professor of international security at the University of New South Wales and a non resident fellow at the thinktank the Lowy Institute, has worked on Asian security issues for over 35 years both in government and academia. He told Xinhua of his cautious optimism.

"There are so many common interests now and such an inter- dependence between the two that everything they do has a cost- benefit aspect in a way that wasn't apparent previously, so that augurs well in structural terms for a workable relationship.

"Yes, there are a lot of disputations, controversy, disagreements - but overwhelmingly the dynamic is towards being able to manage the relationship because it's in the interest of both to do so."

For the first time, according to Dupont, there is a genuine and growing cross-national understanding that will consolidate the relationship, regardless of developments.

"There are now considerable group of U.S. 'China experts' living in China and vice versa a lot of Chinese 'U.S. experts' in the States who meet now on a regular basis and have very frank exchange of views, and it's quite sophisticated. In my view this is quite a positive development there's a much better understanding of each other's society than we've seen at any time in the modern era - that must help in consolidating ideas and putting realistic limits on key issues."

President Xi Jinping's America Tour

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