Developed countries should ratify an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol for the second commitment period and raise their targets for reducing carbon emissions, a Chinese official said.
During a ministerial meeting on the Kyoto Protocol here Thursday, Xie Zhenhua, deputy chief of the National Development and Reform Commission, highlighted the importance of early ratification of the amendment, adopted in Doha, Qatar in 2012.
"It is of key importance for the integrity of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as for the implementation of the common understanding reached by all parties," Xie said.
The second commitment period, from Jan. 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2020, was a hard-won achievement that should be embraced, he said, adding it was pivotal to all parties addressing climate change before 2020.
He said the Chinese government had registered China's acceptance of the Doha amendment with the United Nations, and he was concerned only a few developed countries had ratified it.
"It is our hope that developed countries ratify it at the earliest possible time before the end of this year," Xie said, adding those countries which did not should offer their explanations to the Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Xie also called on developed countries to take action to meet emission reduction targets for the second commitment period through provisional applications before they gave the green light to the amendment.
Reflecting on the Doha talks, he said developing countries demonstrated their flexibility and reached "a gentleman's agreement" with developed countries, which promised to step up their efforts to reduce emissions.
"The developing countries have done their part in advancing the process and it's time for developed countries to deliver on their promise," he said.
Despite a few developed countries' participation in the second commitment period, Xie said, their efforts to "cut emissions are far from what science and historical responsibilities demand."
Xie urged those countries to raise their emissions reduction targets before the end of this year, saying the target should be a 40 percent reduction on 1990 emission levels.
He also noted some developed countries had not only shunned the second commitment period but proposed targets for increasing emissions.
"Developing countries including China are highly concerned about these issues," he said, reaffirming his country's commitment to making continuous efforts to lower carbon intensity.