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Mother puts love of daugther in cartoons (2/4)

2015-02-03 16:31 Ecns.cn Web Editor:Gu Liping
A cartoon that Zhou Yan draws for her daughter. Zhou, in Zigong city of Southwest China’s Sichuan province, has drawn over 50 cartoons and also written letters for her daughter Zhou Jiji who studies at an elementary school in the provincial capital Chengdu for the past two and a half years. Although in winter vacation, the eight-year-old girl still stays in Chengdu to learn ballet. The mother has kept it a habit to put everything she wants to say in pictures, such as interpersonal skills or study tips. For each letter, it usually takes the mother four hours although they also communicate with cellphone or video chat. Zhou plans to compile a picture book for her daughter in the future. [Photo/scol.com.cn]
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